Girl Exposes Disgusting Chat Group Between Perverted Guys She Called ‘PAKBOYS’! You Won’t Believe What They Had To Say About Women!

This story about a group of perverted boys appropriately referred to as ‘PAKBOYS‘ will make your blood boil.
Being a woman in this patriarchal society is a tough challenge. If your skirt is lower than your knee, you might as well be a prude. If you wear it above the knee, you might be called a sl*t, opening yourself up to abuse from sickening perverts.
These are just a few of the many examples of r*ape culture, propagated by the classic maxim: “boys will be boys.”
Thankfully, there are women who stand up for themselves and expose this horrible aspect of our culture.
Facebook user Desh Mejia discovered a group chat populated by lewd men and their even lewder messages. She then decided to publish it online.
Along with over 30 pictures, her caption reads:

But their true colors show when they’re talking amongst themselves:

Meanwhile, Anna Rozaine Atienza, one of the girls featured on the screencaps, posted her outrage over the malicious content that sullied her name. Her post reads:

Mejia immediately reached out to Atienza and expressed her apologies for unintentionally exposing her face and identity.
Afterwards, Atienza thanked Mejia for making her aware of the disgusting insults about her being thrown around by ‘PAKBOYS‘ behind her back.
How about you, what do you think of this incident? Share your opinion with us in the comments section below!
